• Plan of Care customized to your specific diagnosis or condition.

• Knowledge of current protocols, products and procedures regarding upper and lower body medicine and provided the most comprehensive care.

• We are extensively trained to recognized and treat the cause of disfunction and address that cause to lead to optimal body function, decrease pain and prevention of further disfunction.

• Vast experience and expertise in fabrication of splints to meet your specific needs.

• Provide the most up to date techniques in manual therapy, modalities (i.e. Dry Needling, Edema Management, Scar Management, Taping, Heat Treatments, Laser, etc.) aimed to decrease pain, increase motion, increase strength and improve overall function, in addition to, or in place of, drugs or surgery.

• Patient education for injury prevention, conservative treatment techniques, pain management techniques and to improve overall function in activities of daily living.

• Wound Care Management.

• Women’s Health (Wheatland only)





• Tendon repairs of the hand, usually from a laceration, avulsion or crush injury. These injuries require specific, tailored protocols and splinting based on the surgical intervention utilized by the physician. Very important to regain functional movement of the hand.

• Fractures and dislocations of the fingers from sports or work injuries. Whether the physician treats the injury surgically or with immobilization, attention to reduction of edema and early movement of soft tissues and joints are essential

• CMC (thumb) arthritis causes pain and weakness in the hand. Pre-surgical interventions, such as splinting can be utilized and post-surgical protocols are chosen to enhance function and return the patient to their prior level of function.

• Burns, amputations, and traumatic injuries of finger or the hand. Control of scarring both during wound healing and after are crucial to prevent permanent scar contractures and loss of motion.

• Joint replacements of the fingers are frequently performed to reduce pain and return functional movement of the hand. Specific splinting and slow progression of motion is required to maintain alignment and reduce the rate of failure.

• Trigger finger is when a finger locks up and cannot be extended. Triggering can be reduced if caught early enough and treated with modalities that focus on reducing inflammation of the pulley and/or tendon sheath.

• CRPS or Complex regional pain syndrome

• Carpal tunnel syndrome and other nerve compressions of the hand can be treated with certain splints, nerve gliding and modalities that can decrease the pressure on a nerve.

• DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis, intersect syndrome and other tendonitis’s that commonly cause pain in the thumb and wrist can be treated with education on proper positioning during activity and control of inflammation.

• Sprains of the wrist can cause ligament damage and lead to carpal instability. This is common in people of all ages, but more so in young athletes subjecting ligaments to high velocity forces. Splinting, taping and strengthening can be used to effectively treat these conditions.

• Fractures of the small hand bones and two forearm bones. These fractures can be treated surgically or with immobilization. Some fractures of the wrist are hard to diagnose and can be monitored for symptoms in therapy



• Biceps and triceps tendonitis or avulsions can cause permanent loss in strength and function. Bracing, positioning and tailored strengthening programs can be created to return the patient to their work and leisure activities.

• Ligament repair or reconstruction of the collaterals of elbow are performed after dislocations or fractures causing damage to these structures. Regaining function while maintaining stability of the elbow is a key factor in rehabilitating these injuries.

• Lateral and medial epicondylitis (tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow) is acquired in many athletes and can be managed with modalities, technique adjustments and preventative reoccurrence tools.

• Full or partial elbow replacements and implants are sometimes required after a traumatic event or severe injury. Proper bracing/splinting and progression is essential.

• Cubital tunnel syndrome, Radial tunnel syndrome and other nerve compressions can occur in truck drivers, equipment operators and office workers. Proper ergonomics and education on equipment placement can help immensely in treating and preventing these injuries.



• Rotator Cuff Repairs: The rotator cuff is composed of four muscles that stabilize and move the shoulder joint. Common injuries to the rotator cuff is caused by overuse, trauma, and age. Pre-surgical and post-surgical treatments are established based on individual needs and protocols.

• Shoulder Replacement: Severe shoulder arthritis and degenerative joint disease may require surgical intervention and a total or reverse shoulder replacement. Specific protocol are followed post surgical to achieve function.

• Shoulder Impingement: Shoulder pain caused by impinging of tendons or nerves of the shoulder to your armpit. Symptoms are caused by overhead activities, poor posture, ect.

• Biceps Tendonitis: This is tendonitis or inflammation of the tendon of the biceps muscle at the shoulder. Education on proper posture/ergonomics can dramatically improve or eliminate symptoms of this tendonitis. 

• Instability: The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in the body. The shoulder can become unstable with overuse which can cause dislocation, laxity or subluxation. Proper strengthening and stabilization exercises can improve overall stability.



Lumbar, Thoracic, and Cervical Spine

Disc Pathology: Also known as “slipped disc”, prolapsed disc, herniated disc, and disc protrusion. This can cause radiating pain which travels down arms and legs, or around ribs. Often treated successfully in clinic in less severe cases.

Spinal Stenosis: Narrowing of the spinal canal which may cause pressure to the spinal cord or surrounding nerves. Specific exercises and stretches are prescribed to strengthen spine stabilizing musculature and to decrease pressure to irritated soft tissues.

SI Joint Pain: Lower back, hip, and even buttock pain may result from SI joint dysfunction. Specific exercises and stretches help to ease pain originating from this area, along with hands-on manual therapy techniques to correct positioning.

Scoliosis: Curvature of the spine that can develop as a person grows, which may sometimes cause pain and stiffness is often treated in the Physical Therapy clinic.

Rib Dysfunction: Often described as “my rib is out”. The ribs connection to the spine may often be the culprit of the pain, along with other soft tissues that can be treated with various techniques in the clinic.

TMJ Pain: Jaw pain is common, and can be treated by Physical Therapists. Therapists have multiple techniques to stretch and exercise this joint. The joint has several attachments to the cervical spine (neck), therefore treatments to the neck joints and soft tissues will also help relieve symptoms of TMJ pain and dysfunction.

Rehab Following Surgery: Various treatments available for patients who have experienced procedures such as spinal fusion, discectomy, and laminectomy.



Hip Pain may be a result of arthritis, injury, and recent surgery, and sometimes even originates from the lower back.

Knee Pain is very common and has multiple causes including arthritis, damage to ligaments or the meniscus, or recent surgery for repairs or artificial joint replacement. At times, knee pain may be caused from issues at the hip or ankle/foot which contribute to stressing the knee in different ways which may cause pain or dysfunction.

Ankle and Foot pain also have multiple causes including surgery to repair ligaments and tendons or artificially replace joints, overuse injury, traumatic injury, or poor hip and knee mechanics.

Strains/sprains are damage to soft tissues in the lower extremity, and are often caused by injuries or overuse to soft-tissues

Nerve Pain is very common, and usually begins with a compressed or damaged nerve in the lower back which then sends pain down the nerve path into the leg, and sometimes all the way to the feet. Physical Therapists specialize in identifying the true origin of a patient’s pain before treating it.

Wounds may be caused or influenced by various underlying conditions such as diabetes and other blood vessel diseases, and often will develop in the lower extremity. Therapists are skilled in assessing these wounds and treating them in clinic.

• Lymphedema refers to tissue swelling caused by an accumulation of protein-rich fluid that's usually drained through the body's lymphatic system. It most commonly affects the arms or legs, but can also occur in the chest wall, abdomen, neck and genitals. Lymph nodes are an important part of your lymphatic system.